OPEN DAILY 10AM - 5PM march to october. CARD PAYMENTS ONLY.

Mausoleum of Julius Beer

The finest monument in the Cemetery, evidence of the grief occasioned by the loss of a daughter

This striking building is not so much a memorial to Julius Beer (1836-80) as to his daughter Ada. She died aged eight in 1875 in an epidemic of scarlet fever which claimed 26,000 lives.

Inside there is a sculpture of Ada being raised to heaven by an angel by Henry H. Armstead who had worked on the Albert Memorial, and a mosaic ceiling by Salviati. The bronze doors are by Farmer & Brindley.

Julius Beer himself died 1880, aged forty-three, the same year the sculpture of his daughter was completed. Did he ever see it installed?

Explore the magnificent interior in our 360 degree tour.
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